"; ?> SOFSEM 2004
H.H.L.M. (Jeroen) Donkers

Jeroen Donkers was born in 1963 in The Netherlands. He started his career as a scientific programmer in 1987 at the Department of Medical Informatics at the Univeriteit Maastricht. In 1995 he switched to the Department of Computer Science and in 1997 he received a M.Sc. degree (cum laude) in knowledge engineering at the Universieit Maastricht.


Currently, Jeroen Donkers is a Ph.D. student. Moreover he serves the Institute for Knowledge and Agent Technology (IKAT) also as a teacher and consultant. On December 5th, 2003 he will officially defend the contents of his thesis called "Nosce Hostem - Searching with Opponent Models", according to the usual procedure in The Netherlands. His supervisor and daily advisor are prof.dr. H.J. van den Herik and dr.ir. J.W.H.M. Uiterwijk, respectively.  

His scientific interests are in Artificial Intelligence and especially in computer game-playing.


Address information:


H.H.L.M. (Jeroen) Donkers
IKAT, Faculty of General Sciences, Universiteit Maastricht
P.O. Box 616,  6200 MD  Maastricht, The Netherlands
t: +31 (0)43 3883481
f: +31 (0)43 3884897
e: donkers@cs.unimaas.nl
w: www.cs.unimaas.nl/~donkers