Track: Multi-Agent Systems

In order to reason about systems of larger and larger complexity, it makes sense to take the `intentional view` and formally describe such systems in terms of their beliefs, desires, intentions, goals, preferences and decisions. This has given rise to many theories and models of rational agents, both in Artificial Intelligence and in Computer Science. Agents not only manipulate a physical or digital environment, but they are also social beings: agents typically engage with other agents, be it human or artificial. Interactions between agents can be competitive or cooperative, but is usually a mix of the two. Moreover, agents can build a model of other agents to be utilised in a next meeting. In the current millennium there is an amount of work on the borders between game or decision theory and that of multi-agent systems which analyses when, how, why and at which costs coalitions of agents will emerge (or should, by imposing social laws!), and how such coalitions interact with each other. The track is devoted to recent research on these themes.

Invited Speakers


Track Program Committee

Thomas AgotnesBergen
Natascha AlechinaUniversity of Nottingham, UK
Leila AmgoudCNRS, Toulouse, France
Christiano CastelfranchiISTC, Rome, Italy
Vincent ConitzerCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US
Stephen CranefieldOtago, New Zealand
John DebenhamUniversity of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Keith DeckerNewark, USA
Chiara GhidiniITC-irst, Trento, Italy
Paul HarrensteinLudwig-Maximilians-University Munchen, Germany
Andreas HerzigCNRS, Toulouse, France
Wiebe van der Hoek (chair) University of Liverpool, UK
Gal KaminkaBarcelona
John-Jules MeyerUtrecht University, The Netherlands
Eric PacuitUniversiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Gabriella PigozziKing's College London, UK
Michal PechoucekCzech Technical University, Czech Republic
Juan Antonio RodriguezBarcelona
Freek StulpTU Munchen, Germany
Steven WillmottUniversitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain