SOFSEM'95 - Subject

SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is an eight-day international seminar devoted to the theory and the practice of software systems. Its program consists of a series of invited talks given by prominent academic professionals and researchers. Contributed talks and posters of participants are also included in the program of SOFSEM. The working language is English.

Invited talks and contributed talks are published by Springer-Verlag in the series "Lecture Notes in Computer Science" and distributed at the seminar.

The one-day tutorial devoted to Information Technology Security issues is given as an additional program of SOFSEM '95 prior to the actual seminar. The tutorial is held in Czech, and it is aimed at the Czech information system managers and computer security specialists.

Sofsem'95 is the 22nd in the series of Sofsem seminars held annually and follows many successful meetings; it is intended to foster cooperation among people working in various areas of computer science. Its scientific program offers a unique opportunity to gain a relatively quick and representative overview about the selected parts of computer science, presented by top researchers. Its social program provides an optimal framework for discussions, meetings, contact establishing, and recreation. Especially suited for PhD students and young computer scientists.