
Classical mathematics is a source of ideas used by Computer Science since
the very first days. Surprisingly, there is still much to be found.
Computer scientists, especially, those in Theoretical Computer Science
find inspiring ideas both in old notions and results, and in the 20th
century mathematics. The latest decades have brought us evidence that
computer people will soon study quantum physics and modern biology just to
understand what computers are doing.


Rusins Freivalds is a Professor in the University of Latvia and Member of
the Academy of Sciences of Latvia. Received PhD(1971) from the Institute
of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, and DSc(1985) from Moscow University.
His primary interest is Complexity of Computation, especially for
randomized algorithms. Lately, this interest has involved complexity of
quantum algorithms as well. Another his interest is Learning Theory,
especially Inductive Inference. Published papers in the Journal of ACM,
Information and Computation, Theoretical Computer Science, STOC, FOCS.
